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Recent Changes of Zoom (2022)

December, 2022 Recap

New Product Announcements 

  • Introducing Zoom MeshZoom Mesh is a native, zero-click, zero-install, client-based Mesh (eCDN) solution for Zoom Webinars and Events. The Zoom Mesh service optimises bandwidth consumption for Webinars & Events while preserving the native Zoom attendee and host experience. Zoom Mesh is available to all accounts with the Webinar or Zoom Events add-on. Learn more about Zoom Mesh and how it works on our support site

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • Coming Soon - Zoom Contact Center On-Demand Training: Zoom Contact Center is an omnichannel platform that supports a robust suite of channels, such as voice and video, SMS text, and webchat. And next month, the Zoom Learning Center is releasing on-demand courses designed to help you get started. Just browsing? Not a problem. These and all Learning Center courses are free and a great way to check out products before you purchase a license.

Key Highlights from Zoom’s December Releases 

Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and enhanced features

Administrator Features

  • Zoom SSO Certificate Rotation – Zoom will be updating its current single sign-on (SSO) certificate ahead of its expiration on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. To avoid service disruption, Zoom began publishing a new SSO certificate on Saturday, December 3, in the InCommon metadata. No action is required for accounts using an identity provider (IDP) and/or configuration which supports dynamic metadata refresh, as the account’s IDP will automatically download the latest Zoom certificate and rotate it into the account’s configuration. For accounts with automatic rotation disabled or whose IDP does not support automatic certificate rotation, admins can begin the certificate rotation process by selecting the new certificate in the Zoom web portal (Admin > Advanced > Single Sign-On settings)

Updates to the Zoom Client
New and enhanced features

General features

  • Out of office presence status for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – Users can set their status to Out of Office, better indicating the user is away for an extended period.

  • Support for Zoom Mesh for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – The Zoom client supports the use of Zoom Mesh within a local network, reducing internet bandwidth used by attendees when connecting with Zoom servers for Zoom Webinars and Events. Zoom Mesh requires version 5.12.6 or higher.

  • End-of-life support for iOS 10 and below and Android 5 and below – Users must be on at least iOS 11 or Android 6 to continue to receive Zoom app updates. 

Meeting/Webinar features

  • Speaker attributions for live automated captions for Windows, macOS, Linux –When viewing automated captions in a live meeting or webinar, captions will include the speaker’s profile picture as part of captions, to make it easier to understand who is currently speaking. If the user has no profile picture, their initials will be displayed instead. Their full name is provided when viewing the full transcript. Previously, there was no speaker attribution in the displayed captions. This also includes other minor caption enhancements to better support multiple speakers.

  • Temporarily disable automated captions for Windows, macOS, Linux –Hosts can disable automated captioning during a live meeting or webinar. This can be useful when the host forgets to disable captions from the web settings and wants to disable them for a meeting. Participants will be notified that captions are disabled by the host and the Show Captions button is no longer available in the control toolbar for everyone except the host.

Meeting features

  • Support for Q&A in meetings for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS – Hosts can enable the Q&A feature in meetings to allow participants to ask questions, which can be viewed by all, but only answered by the host and co-host. Questions can be submitted anonymously and responses can be sent publicly for all to see or privately to just the sender. Hosts can also mark submitted questions as something that will be answered live, so participants are aware and can expect their answer to follow soon. 

Team Chat features

  • Schedule meeting with chat and channel members for Windows, macOS, Linux – Users can schedule meetings with members of a chat channel directly from Team Chat. When successfully scheduled, the meeting is added to their calendars, for users in the same organisation, provides a notification with the option to copy the invitation, and also appears as a meeting card in the chat. This feature requires all chat members to have their calendars integrated with Zoom, and currently supports Google Calendar and Office 365 (OAuth 2.0). This setting is available at the account and group levels. 


Updates to Zoom Events
Changes to existing features 

  • Event lobby added to single session events – The event lobby is now available for single session events. The lobby will appear as soon as a single session event is published.

  • Separation of Zoom Events chat and Meeting chat – Zoom Events chat is now independent of the Meeting chat setting and will continue to operate even if Meeting chat is disabled. Admins may specifically disable Zoom Events chat through the new Zoom Events settings tab in the Zoom web portal. Previously, when admins disabled the Meeting chat feature, Zoom Events chat would also be disabled.

  • China added to Zoom Events allowed countries list – Zoom Events has updated its geographic availability to include Chinese attendees. Hosts can create public events (no access restriction) and enable Allow no-account join, allowing users from China to register as a guest for an event. Users from China will receive an event join link in their email inbox and can click to join the event when the event is available for attendees.

New and enhanced features

Host features

  • Zoom Events in-session resources – Hosts now have a specific resource location to add resource links for attendees to click on within Webinar sessions. Hosts can use this in-session tool to display a notification that directs attendees’ attention to the host’s resource link. Additionally, hosts can invite speakers to edit their session and add their own resource link for their assigned sessions

Event setup features

  • Event Branding tab General Availability – By accessing the new Event Branding tab, events can be branded with high-level styling elements. Event organisers can manage the Event Branding configuration area to apply branding to a colour palette, event backgrounds, buttons, and text. They can also preview the registration page and lobby home page and apply branding on all major pages in their event. The event colours are applied to all attendee-facing pages. For more updates on branding capabilities, see the Zoom Events release notes

Updates to Zoom IQ for Sales 

New and Enhanced Features

Administrator features

  • Additional auto-record options – Admins can configure the automatic recording settings to only record specific teams or members. When selected, all other IQ users not specified will have the auto recording turned off by default. The lock function will be valid for the entire account and enforce each team and user's corresponding setting. Previously, when automatic recording for scheduled meetings with external participants was enabled, it was applied to the entire account.

Business Updates 

  • Chrome OS App Retirement – To prepare for the end of support for all Chrome OS apps, Zoom is phasing out our Chrome OS App and replacing it with the Progressive Web App (PWA). As part of this process, PWA auto-launch will be automatically enabled for Chrome OS users on Jan. 15, 2023. The Chrome OS App will continue to function, but when users click on a Zoom link, PWA will automatically launch if it is installed on the device. On Feb. 1, 2023, the Chrome OS App will be removed from the Chrome Web Store. Visit our support pages for more information about Chrome OS App retirement and installing the PWA or using the Zoom PWA for Chrome OS

  • New flow when joining meetings – In the coming months, we will release an update to streamline the user experience of joining a meeting. Currently, users see up to three separate dialogue windows during the flow. Among other improvements, the update will combine the functionality of the first window, which currently says “Waiting for the host to start this meeting,” with the third Waiting Room window. Waiting Room customisation remains available through the Settings page in the web portal. Users must be on client version 5.12.0 or higher to experience the new join flow. 

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson KwokZoom Video Communications, Inc.

November, 2022 Recap

Zoomtopia 2022 Recap 

We hosted our annual user conference and celebration, Zoomtopia APAC/Japan, over Zoom Events on 17 November and in person on 8-9 November. Check out our blog recapping the in-person event so you don’t miss any major announcements and key takeaways. We hope to see you again next year!

Zoom Learning Center Updates

Key Highlights from Zoom's November Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and enhanced features

Administrator Features

  • Zoom Mail and Calendar Clients (Beta) – Owners and admins of accounts with more than one user can allow users to integrate their Zoom Mail Service, Google, or Office 365 account with the Zoom desktop client to manage their email and calendar events in a centralized location. For Pro accounts, this feature is enabled by default. This feature requires client version 5.12.8 or higher and is also available in the Zoom desktop client. We announced the beta launch of Zoom Mail and Calendar products at Zoomtopia; read more about these new products on our blog.

  • Exception to network bandwidth limits – Account owners and admins using the Limit Network bandwidth feature can create exceptions to an existing network bandwidth limit IP range. A new limit can only be added as an exception if an existing rule can be segmented into multiple rules to add the exception.

  • Delegate account administration to external users – Through role management, account owners can invite users outside of their account to manage selected area(s) of the owner’s Zoom account while restricting access to other areas. All activity or actions by the external individual will be recorded in the account admin’s activity logs, just as if the individual were a member of the owner’s account. Account owners and admins can also give access to external users for delegated account administration for a set period/time and can revoke access at any point.

User Features

  • Bulk upload authentication exceptions – When scheduling a meeting with authentication required, hosts can import a CSV file to bulk upload authentication exceptions using the participants’ names and email addresses. Previously, the meeting host could only add one authentication exception at a time.

  • Creation of breakout rooms based on poll results – If enabled by an admin, meeting hosts can select Create Breakout Rooms while setting up polls. If this option is selected, the host can split participants into smaller rooms based on participants’ answers. Hosts can limit the number of participants in each breakout room and move or exchange participants after launching the breakout rooms

Updates to Zoom Client
New and enhanced features

Meeting features

  • Support for up to 1,000 in E2EE meetings for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS — End-to-end encrypted meetings can support up to 1,000 participants. Previously, the maximum was 200 participants. Large Meeting add-on requirements still apply.

  • Pair with Zoom Rooms and transfer a live meeting for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS — Pairing with a Zoom Room can be initiated within the Zoom meeting window, facilitating easier transferring of that meeting to the local Zoom Room. Previously, you had to pair with a Zoom Room outside of an active meeting before being able to transfer. This feature requires Zoom Room version 5.12.6 or higher.

Whiteboard features

  • Enhanced Whiteboard menu for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS — The in-meeting menus have been updated, to more closely match the menus in the out-of-meeting whiteboard experience. This includes an improved right-click menu, additional editing options for shapes, and a pinch-to-zoom ability or zoom-in/zoom-out buttons on mobile.

Team Chat features

  • Scheduling a meeting through Team Chat for Windows and macOS — Zoom Team Chat users can schedule meetings directly within a chat channel, which will automatically invite all members of that chat channel to the resulting calendar event. This feature currently only supports the Contacts and Calendar integration with Google and requires version 5.11.3 or higher. It is also available as a setting in the web portal.

Contact Center features

  • Enhancement to voice call transferring for Windows and macOS — When supervisors or agents transfer a voice call to another contact center user, they will receive a notification if the user is available. If the user isn’t available, they can transfer to a voicemail inbox accessible by the user (if applicable).

  • SMS from voice engagements for Windows and macOS — Agents or supervisors can click SMS in the Profile tab to easily start a new SMS engagement while in an active voice engagement.

Updates to the Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Administrator Features

User Features

Updates to Whiteboard

New and Enhanced Features

User Features

  • Ability to upload PDF files to Whiteboard – Users can upload PDF files from their local machine to the Whiteboard. They can move the file around, resize it, connect it to other shapes, and add comments on or around it. Additionally, users can extract individual pages to annotate on it and download the files from the Whiteboard. This feature is enabled by default, but admins can disable the setting for individual users and groups

Updates to Zoom IQ for Sales

New and Enhanced Features

Administrator features

  • Zoom IQ collaborator role — Account owners and admins can add Zoom users as Zoom IQ Collaborators. Collaborators have limited access to Zoom IQ functions as determined by IQ admins. This role can be assigned to any Zoom user without needing to provision them with a paid Zoom IQ license.

  • Zoom IQ to CRM data synchronization – Account owners and admins can allow Zoom IQ analysis results to reflect in HubSpot. Previously, this was only available for Salesforce.

User Features

  • Support for Zoom IQ on Zoom desktop client — Users can use Zoom IQ from the Zoom desktop client version 5.12.6 or higher. Users can access IQ features, excluding Account Settings and User/Role management capabilities. Viewing and subscribing to Indicators directly from the client will be supported in a future release.

  • Multilingual support for conversation transcript – Users can adjust the language settings to set the transcript language. Languages currently supported are English, Italian, French, German, and Spanish. Conversation metrics, Screen Text, and Call Outs, such as Indicators, Next Steps, and Good Questions, are supported for these additional languages in this release.

Business Updates 

  • Switch to the new Zoom Phone Common Area management experience  - Earlier this year, the option to permanently switch to the new Zoom Phone Common Area management experience became available in your Zoom Phone web portal. Account owners can switch to the new experience by logging into the Zoom Phone web portal and clicking: Systems Management > Users and Rooms > Common Area Phones and selecting the “Update Available” message on the right-hand side. Any accounts created after May 22, 2022, are already using the new Zoom Phone Common Area management experience and no further action is required. All accounts that are still on the existing experience will be automatically migrated on January 1, 2023.

  • Chrome OS App Retirement -– To prepare for the end of support for all Chrome OS apps, Zoom is phasing out our Chrome OS App and replacing it with the Progressive Web App (PWA). As part of this process, PWA auto-launch will be automatically enabled for Chrome OS users on Jan. 15, 2023. The Chrome OS App will continue to function, but when users click on a Zoom link, PWA will automatically launch if it is installed on the device. On Feb. 1, 2023, the Chrome OS App will be removed from the Chrome Web Store. Visit our support pages for more information about Chrome OS App retirement and installing the PWA or using the Zoom PWA for Chrome OS.

  • New flow when joining meetings — In the coming months, we will release an update to streamline the user experience of joining a meeting. Currently, users see up to three separate dialogue windows during the flow. Among other improvements, the update will combine the functionality of the first window, which currently says “Waiting for the host to start this meeting,” with the third Waiting Room window. Waiting Room customization remains available through the Settings page in the web portal. Users must be on client version 5.12.0 or higher to experience the new join flow

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson KwokZoom Video Communications, Inc.

October, 2022 Recap

Upcoming Events

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • Preferred Platform Language - The Zoom Learning Center is a free educational platform designed to help users get the most out of Zoom anytime, anywhere, in a way that works for them. And for easier navigation, users can now select their preferred language from the tile in the upper right corner of the Zoom Learning Center homepage to be used across the learning platform.

  • Learning in Additional Languages - Already serving learners in English, Spanish, German, and Japanese, we’ve recently released our most popular product and administration courses in four additional languages: French, Italian, Portuguese, and Korean

    Visit the Zoom Learning Center today and enjoy courses in new global languages. Look for additional courses and languages as we continue to expand our catalog. And as always, you can view any of our Show Me videos with closed captions in hundreds of languages!

Key Highlights from Zoom's October Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal


New and Enhanced Features

Administrator Features

  • Allow users to join from meeting/webinar registration confirmation page – With the changes to the registration confirmation flow (detailed above), account owners and admins can still allow hosts to show the meeting or webinar join link on the registration confirmation page when a user registers for a session that has already started or is scheduled to start within 5 minutes. This provides a quicker way for users to join a session. If the join details are displayed, a user can join without verifying the email they registered with. This setting is available at the account, group, and user levels, and is disabled by default. This setting will not be immediately available, as it is rolling out to different groups of customers over the next month.

  • Support for Smart Recordings – Account owners and admins can enable Smart Recordings for cloud recordings, which includes the use of smart chapters and next steps. Smart chapters automatically create chapters with different titles and overviews based on the recording content. Next steps automatically creates a list of future action items. Hosts can make edits to chapters and next steps as needed. Additionally, the recording highlights feature is now a part of Smart Recordings. This setting is OFF by default for all accounts.

  • Enhancements to Customer Managed Key (CMK)  — For accounts using Customer Managed Key for encryption, admins can choose to enable encryption of existing meeting and webinar recording assets while onboarding. Additionally, admins can assign CMK for specific users similar to how licenses are assigned.

  • Enable CMK on a per-service basis — Admins can select which services they want to enable with CMK encryption. After a feature is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Supported assets within respective services include:

    • Zoom Phone voicemails and recordings

    • Zoom Meetings/Webinars cloud recordings

    • Compliance Archiving for Meetings/Webinars

    • User Calendar Tokens, Microsoft Teams Tokens, Zoom Rooms Tokens

User Features

  • Capture language interpreters’ audio in cloud recordings – When language interpretation (audio) is used in a session, the cloud recording includes separate audio files for translator channels. Viewers can select their preferred language during playback.

Changes to Existing Features

  • New registration confirmation flow — By default, when an attendee registers for an event, the join link will no longer be displayed on the confirmation page of their web browser. Registrants will instead receive the join link through the Zoom registration confirmation email. This change will help prevent attackers from obtaining a registration link using an email address they do not personally control, and limit unwanted guests from joining meetings or webinars. However, admins can allow hosts to configure their registration settings to provide the join info on the registration confirmation page, but this setting is disabled by default. The new registration confirmation flow will not be immediately available, as it is rolling out to different groups of customers over the next month.

Updates to the Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Administrator Features

  • Media source ports – Account owners and admins can set the number of source ports for media that will be used on their Zoom desktop and mobile devices during a call. A minimum of 50 ports should be configured to make sure the functionality is not affected. This can be applied to all Zoom clients, Zoom Phone Appliances, Zoom Rooms, and VDI clients for phone. Zoom PWA is not supported at this time. Any changes to this configuration will require the Zoom clients to restart to take effect. If Peer to Peer media is enabled, this setting does not take effect. This feature requires the Zoom desktop client version 5.12.6, coming up beginning of November, or higher. Zoom Rooms and Zoom Phone Appliances will be supported on version 5.13.0.

  • Enhancements to Zoom Phone roles – Account owners and admins can assign the Personal Emergency Address Access privilege to some of their Zoom Phone admin roles.

User Features

  • External contacts searchable by IP phones — IP phone users can search for, select, and place calls to members of a shared directory of external contacts. This feature is available for Cisco, Poly, Grandstream 260x series only, and AudioCodes.

Updates to Whiteboard

New and Enhanced Features

User Features

  • Bulk whiteboard management – Users can delete, restore, lock or unlock, and star or unstar multiple whiteboards at once. Users now also have the option to leave multiple whiteboards that were shared with them, rather than leaving each individual Whiteboard This only works on My Whiteboards, Shared with Me, and Trash tab.

  • New Whiteboard cards – The new Card object in the toolbar enables the users to capture and display more detailed information effectively. The new card is rectangular in shape and includes title, description, assignee, due date, and color selection fields. Additionally, each Card can be expanded to reveal the description field and other details, and can be connected to other shapes using connector lines.

Updates to Contact Center

New and Enhanced Features

  • Zendesk integration — Account owners and admins can integrate Zoom Contact Center with Zendesk to allow agents to access contact center functionality within the Zendesk application.

Updates to Workspace Reservation

New and Enhanced Features

User Features

  • Support for Workspace Reservation on the Zoom mobile app - Workspace Reservation’s mobile app integration allows users to reserve workspaces from their mobile device and the Zoom mobile app. Workspace Reservation includes the following features for users on mobile devices:

    • Reserve workspaces before coming into the office.

    • Find available seats/rooms based on the specific time period users want to reserve.

    • Select the location the users will visit to display the relevant floor map. Once a map is opened, it will save as a default location, and users will always have the option to switch to another floor/default location.

    • Click a reservation to view its location on the floor map and view where others are sitting.

Business Updates 

  • New flow when joining meetings - In the coming months, we will release an update to streamline the user experience of joining a meeting. Currently, users see up to three separate dialogue windows during the flow. Among other improvements, the update will combine the functionality of the first window, which currently says “Waiting for the host to start this meeting,” with the third Waiting Room window. Waiting Room customization remains available through the Settings page in the web portal.
    Account owners and admins do not need to adjust any settings, as the new join flow will be rolled out through backend server updates. Users must be on client version 5.12.0 or higher to experience the new join flow.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

September, 2022 Recap

Major Launches and Announcements

  • The Zoom Evolution – Zoom is much more than Meetings, providing a complete platform to connect and promote collaboration. To better reflect where we are and where we’re going, we’ve made some updates to our brand, including renaming Zoom Chat to Zoom Team Chat. Read our blog for more information on what’s changed and why.

  • Zoom Phone Local Survivability – Zoom has launched a new hybrid survivability solution for Zoom Phone that enables businesses and organizations to continue providing core phone features amidst a service-impacting event.

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • NEW: Calendar Integration Courses - Learn to schedule Zoom Meetings seamlessly from your Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar with just a few clicks. Enroll in one of the Zoom Learning Center’s newest courses Scheduling Through Microsoft Outlook or Scheduling Through Google Calendar to get started.

  • COMING SOON: Zoom Team Chat Admin Courses - Did you know that all Zoom account holders can access Zoom’s secure, feature-rich messaging and collaboration tool, Team Chat? Any paid account owner can also assign an administrator to customize Team Chat for their organization, including setting posting permissions, creating and managing channels, configuring cloud storage, or even setting up API chatbots! Be on the lookout for Zoom Team Chat admin courses coming to the Zoom Learning Center next month. 

Key Highlights from Zoom's September Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal


New and Enhanced Features

General Features

  • Set Reminders for Messages – Windows, macOS, Android, iOS – Zoom Team Chat users can improve their efficiency and responsiveness by setting configurable reminders for any Zoom Team Chat message. All messages with a reminder are easily accessible in a dedicated Reminders section at the top of the left Zoom Team Chat panel, joining the Mentions, Missed Calls, Bookmarks, and other sections. This feature can also be configured not to be displayed with the other options through client settings. This requires version 5.12.0 or higher.

  • Share In-Meeting Chat to Zoom Team Chat – Windows, macOS – Meeting hosts can share chat messages sent during a meeting to Zoom Team Chat. The host chooses this option, specifies an existing chat or channel, or creates a new private channel to share the chat messages with. After the meeting ends, the transcript is automatically posted as a meeting card to the group chat or channel chosen by the host. Group chat or channel members can click the meeting card to view the meeting messages.

General Features

  • Split of Meetings and Teams Chat for Mobile – Android, iOS – The Meet & Chat tab of the mobile app is now separated into two tabs: Meetings and Team Chat. The Meetings tab provides the Start, Join, Schedule and Screen Share options, as well as see upcoming meetings, while the Team Chat tab is dedicated to 1:1 chats, group chats, and chat channels.

Updates to the Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Administrator Features

  • Custom Emergency Service Number – Account owners and admins can define custom emergency numbers for their entire account or sites. Once those numbers are created, they cannot be used as an extension or external number. For example, these numbers can be used to route special extensions to an offset destination for legacy call handling. Please submit a request to Zoom Support to enable the Display Custom Emergency Number Configuration feature for your account.

  • Voicemail Access from Common Area Phones – As part of their policy, account owners and admins can enable a voicemail box for their common area phones to allow callers to leave a voicemail if users of that device are unable to answer their calls. Admins can set up a list of users that are allowed to manage those voicemail messages.

  • Enhancements to Zoom Phone Roles – Under Zoom Phone roles, admins should be explicitly granted permission to have access to users’ SMS, voicemail, and recordings. Account owners can set users' voicemail PINs not viewable by admin under account settings.

Updates to Zoom Rooms

General Features

  • One-Time Password Requirement for Suspicious Logins – Win, Mac, Appliances, ZP appliances, iPad zr, iOS zrc, Android zrc, Win zrc – When Zoom Rooms administrators sign in to a Zoom Room using their work email and password, they may be asked to enter a one-time password, sent to their account email, when Zoom detects a suspicious login. A login may be considered suspicious if it originates from a different country or device than usual, among other factors.  After entering the one-time password, the sign in will succeed.

  • Zoom Rooms Enhanced User Interface – To allow customers to create consistent Zoom experiences across devices, we now offer Dark Mode on Zoom Rooms Controllers.

Updates to Zoom Events

New and Enhanced Features

General Features

  • Auto Transfer/Unlink Events – Zoom Events supports the migration of company assets from a user to another user. When unlinking a user’s company account, the Zoom account admin is prompted to move the assets from that user account to another user on the organization’s Zoom account. Once the assets are moved, the user is removed from the organization’s Zoom account and a free account will be created and linked to the user. When removing a user account, the Zoom account admin is prompted to move the assets from the user being removed to another user on the organization’s Zoom account. Once the selected assets are moved, the rest of the removed user’s assets and data are cleared.

Changes to Existing Features

  • Event Creation Workflow Dashboard – Over several phases, we will be introducing a dashboard that guides you as you create an event. This first phase introduces a landing page that will guide hosts through the event creation flow, provide reminders, and give actionable insights so that they can have a successful event. This is useful for event organizers, especially if they do not complete the event creation workflow in one session. The host overview section keeps track of different milestones that the host has accomplished (publishing a date, releasing tickets/registrations, setting up and hosting the event, etc.).

  • Consolidate All Event Creation Flows – The single-session/series event creation flow is consolidated with the conference creation flow, resulting in one Create Event option. After clicking Create Event, hosts can select their event type: Single Session, Multiple Sessions, or Recurring Series Event. This simplifies and streamlines all creation flows into one event creation process for hosts.

  • Expansion of Zoom Events Availability – Free events are now open to accept registrants from India.

Business Updates 

  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy - We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022, for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users running an end-of-life version after November 5 will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

August, 2022 Recap

Major Launches and Events

  • Workspace Reservation – Now generally available, users can reserve available desks or meeting spaces at the office, on the Virtual Receptionist Kiosk, Zoom Rooms for Touch devices, or the Zoom web portal. Workspace Reservation provides QR code check-in to desks with or without Zoom-enabled devices, interactive maps, and desk occupancy status. Admins and account owners can set up the workspaces, upload a floor map, and have a live view of available and reserved spaces displayed for wayfinding on a Kiosk and through Digital Signage. Stay updated on the new features and enhancements to come through Workspace Reservation release notes.

  • Customer Managed KeyZoom Customer Managed Key lets customers provide their own encryption keys using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt certain data stored at rest such as Zoom Meeting, Webinar, and Phone cloud recordings, voicemails, calendar access tokens, and more. If you are interested in learning more about this feature, please reply to this email. 

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • Learn how to customize your webinars - Did you know you can create a variety of custom branded elements for your Zoom Webinars? Learn how to add wallpaper, Virtual Backgrounds, and digital name tags for your co-host and panelists in the Zoom Learning Center’s latest video, Show Me: Session Branding for Zoom Webinars.

  • Refresh your Zoom Rooms knowledge - Zoom Rooms recently got some fresh new layouts and workflows, so our training got a refresh too! Level up with our fully revamped Zoom Rooms on-demand catalog. Enroll in courses free with your regular Zoom sign-in credentials. 


Key Highlights from Zoom's August Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal


New and Enhanced Features

User features

  • Support for automated captioning in 11 additional languages – Zoom’s automated captions are now available in 11 languages in addition to English (French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese (beta), Chinese Mandarin - Simplified (beta), and Korean (beta)). Each participant can choose the language they are currently speaking in the meeting, and automated captions are generated in that language. As part of the necessary interface changes to support the new languages, the in-meeting buttons and interface for manual captioning will also be adjusted. Users can adjust which languages are available in the meeting through user-level web settings. This feature now also comes with self-enablement, meaning participants can turn on captions in meetings without requiring them to ask the host to enable captions. We are also working on further improving self-enablement of captions through the end of the year, including making the closed captioning button standard in all meetings when captions are available.

Admin features

  • Support up to 25 custom languages for interpretation - Account owners and admins can allow users to add up to 25 custom languages for interpretation when scheduling a meeting or webinar using interpreters. This option is only available if the ‘Enable language interpretation by default’ option is selected. It’s available at the account, group, and user levels and can be locked at the account or group level. This enhancement must be enabled by Zoom and requires client version 5.11.2 or higher. Previously, up to 5 custom languages were supported. Language Interpretation allows meetings and webinar hosts to designate participants as translators.

Webinar features

  • Support for translated captions in webinars - Account owners and admins can enable Translated Captions for webinars, which allows users to enable automated translated captions in language pairs in webinars. Additionally, automated captions in Webinars support more languages in addition to English, which has been the only supported language thus far. These settings are available at the account, group, and user levels. Previously, these features were only available for meetings. Translated Captions are currently only available for Zoom One Business Plus and Zoom One Enterprise Plus accounts. 

Integration features

  • Support for calendar event bi-directional syncing - Account owners and admins can enable bi-directional syncing to and from Google and Outlook calendars. This allows Zoom events created or updated on Zoom or external calendars to stay automatically synced across all integrated platforms. This setting is off by default and is available at the account, group, and user levels; and can be locked at the account or group level. This feature only supports updates made to an individual meeting (non-recurring) or an entire series.

Changes to existing features

  • Remove dependency on Contacts setting controlling group-level chat settings - A setting on the Contacts page in the web portal is being decoupled from the Zoom Chat group-level settings. Previously, when the Contacts setting ‘List all account users’ under ‘All Contacts’ was enabled, group-level Zoom Chat settings were ignored and all users followed the account-level settings. For accounts with this setting enabled (and therefore not using group-level chat settings), most of their settings have been locked at the account level to preserve existing behavior when the dependency is removed. Account owners and admins can view changes reflected in the Operation Logs. This update will slowly roll out to customers over the following month.


Updates to the Zoom desktop client

New and enhanced features

General features

  • End of support for 32-bit iOS devices - With this release, the Zoom mobile app for iOS requires a 64-bit device. 32-bit devices will have 5.11.3 (4067) as the most recent version available.


Zoom Apps features

  • Enhanced in-client app approval, Windows, macOS - Admins approving an app in the client can more precisely approve apps, either for the entire account or for specific users and/or user groups.

Chat features

  • External users notice when composing messages in chats - Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS - Chats and channels that include external users will have enhanced labeling in the compose box to remind users that external contacts are present. The notification is clickable to provide more information regarding who can see messages in the chat or channel.

Updates to the Zoom Phone

New and enhanced features

Admin features

  • Restricted Call/SMS Hours - Account owners and admins can define the time frame when an extension or user cannot make or accept calls and send SMS. The restricted hours, follow the “When a call is not answered” user call handling setting. If this setting is enabled, outbound and inbound emergency calls and SMS will still be allowed. SMS settings only apply to users. SMS is currently only available for US and Canadian numbers.​

  • Allowed Calls/SMS Locations – Account owners and admins can define the locations where users can make and accept calls and send SMS. When the users are outside of the allowed locations, calls and SMS will follow the “When a call is not answered” user call handling setting. If this setting is enabled, outbound and inbound emergency calls and SMS will still be allowed. SMS settings only apply to users. SMS is currently only available for US and Canadian numbers.

  • Opt In/Out report – Account owners and admins can run the call queue historical report and call log to review the list of agents that opted-in/out of call queues. Admins will see the user’s extension, the reason and timestamp of when the agent’s status changed, the opt-in/out status, the corresponding call queue, and the extension of the person that made the change. Data is visible only with a Power Pack license.

Updates to Zoom Events

New and enhanced features

Attendee Features

  • System-readiness testing tool - Attendees can use a test tool—accessible from the registration detail page or the event lobby (web)—to see if their system (browser, internet speed, etc.) meets the requirements for a Zoom Events experience.

  • Enhancements to attendees’ session-join experience – Attendees can join a session from their preferred platform without needing to check whether they have signed out from the same session or not. This feature allows attendees to join a session on other platforms by making the join call to action available on the native Zoom client and browser lobby. If attendees confirm that they would like to join the same session on another platform, they will be automatically signed out of their previous platform by Zoom Events.

Hub features

  • Report a recording – Users can report any recording in Zoom Events to the Trust and Safety team using the Report Recording function which is located under the video’s title and description.


Ticketing features

  • Set custom registration date outside of event date/time – Hosts can set a custom registration end date and time outside of the event’s date and time; however, this must be set before the event lobby is closed. This allows hosts to keep registration open and sell tickets after an event is over so that people who haven’t attended the event can purchase tickets to view video recordings.

Business Updates 

  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy - We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022, for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users running an end-of-life version after November 5 will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

July, 2022 Recap

Major new Launches 

  • Zoom Apps for Webinar - You can now bring your favorite apps directly into your webinars with Zoom Apps! These integrations will make your webinars more immersive and engaging for you and your audience. Read more about some of our favorite apps and best practices for using Zoom Apps for Webinar in our blog post.

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • Updated Zoom Events catalogue - The Zoom Learning Center is updating and expanding its Zoom Events training catalog. New offerings include both on-demand courses and live training sessions beginning in August. These are free to all Zoom users, whether you have a Zoom Events license or are simply interested in learning more. Want a preview? Check out our latest video and learn about the Zoom Events experience today!

  • Learn more about updates to Zoom Chat - You may already be using Zoom Chat, but did you know that you can set up folder groups, customize your notifications, send screenshots, or even audio clips? Learn to chat like a pro with the Zoom Learning Center’s Getting Started with Zoom Chat or attend a live training session in August! 

Key Highlights from Zoom's July Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal


Changes to existing features

Admin features

  • Language interpretation available for paid users - The Language Interpretation feature is available for all users on Pro, Business, and Enterprise accounts. These users can enable this setting on their accounts. Previously, Zoom had to enable this feature. This allows the host to designate participants as interpreters on the web portal or during a Zoom session.

  • Changes to Google permissions authorization process for calendar and contacts integration - Google is disabling the embedded browser for the authorization process. When an account is using the Mail, Calendar, and Contacts integration with Google, account owners and admins must select the permissions directly in the Zoom web portal.

  • Webinar chat settings separate from meeting chat settings - Account owners and admins can enable or disable in-webinar chat settings in the Zoom web portal, separately from in-meeting chat. Previously, meeting and webinar chat settings were combined. 

New and Enhanced Features

Admin features

  • Admin meeting and webinar templates - Account owners and admins can enable and create advanced meetings and webinar templates. These apply user-level settings, such as who can share in a meeting or whether reactions can be used in a webinar. Webinar templates can also apply to scheduling-level settings, such as whether registration should be used for webinars. This setting can be enabled at the account, group, and user levels. Once enabled, an admin must create templates and assign them to groups or users for use. 

  • Additional features added for Follow the user in-meeting” policy - Account owners and admins can restrict which in-meeting features users on the account have access to when joining both internal and external meetings. The administrator can restrict features for external meetings only or all meetings the user joins, as required. Zoom must enable this feature for non-enterprise accounts. This feature is supported on desktop clients (Windows, macOS, Linux), mobile apps (iOS, Android), and web clients. The option to restrict the following features was added:

    • New Whiteboard

    • Live transcription in meetings and webinars

    • Direct messaging in meetings and webinars

    • Enable computer audio

    • Meeting and webinar reactions

    • Hide participant profile pictures in meetings


User features

  • End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support for breakout rooms - Users can use breakout rooms in meetings that have E2EE enabled. One participant in each breakout room is randomly assigned as a leader to read and verify the security codes. This feature requires client version 5.11.3 or higher.


Device management features

  • Import a list of Zoom Room devices in Device List - Account owners and admins can import a list of Android Zoom Room devices before logging in the devices. Once the devices are imported, admins can view their information and assign them to a room or user. This process will help admins quickly manage and deploy their Android Zoom Room devices.


Updates to the Zoom desktop client

Changes to existing features

Chat features

  • Change to Zoom Chat default settings - To help improve the Zoom Chat experience, we have changed the default settings for new users on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Existing users will not be affected by the changes. Updated default settings include:

    • Enabled by default: Show Code Snippet, Show Link Preview*, Move messages with new replies to the bottom of the chat*, Show profile photos next to Direct Messages*. (*These changes may also affect the default  Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) and Group Policy Object (GPO) policies.)

    • Disabled by default: Separate my chats and channels sections.

New and Enhanced Features

General Features

  • View profile cards during meetings - If account admins allow, users can view other participants' Zoom profile cards from within a meeting. Profile cards also include a participant’s local time to aid in coordinating time zones between users. This is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Chat Features

  • Support for suppressing channel removal notifications for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS - Admins can suppress deleted or deactivated user notifications in group chats and channels.

  • Sidebar and folders enhancements for Windows and macOS - The Starred section has moved to the top of the sidebar, above all folders. A new caret menu to the right of the Chat title includes options to Create a Channel, Join a Channel, Create a Folder, and Add a Bot. The preview of unread Chats or Channels that appears when hovering over an unread badge on a collapsed folder or section will now include @all or @me mentions.

  • Support for adding users to a channel in bulk - Zoom Chat channel admins can copy and paste a list of email addresses to add members to an existing channel in bulk. Separate emails are detected by a space, semicolon, comma, or new line.


Webinar Features

  • Simultaneous sharing for panelists - Webinar panelists can now simultaneously share presentations. This is the same functionality that is already available in Zoom Meetings. Attendees can choose which screen to view, such as seeing the content in their language when a presentation is shared in multiple languages. This feature requires Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, or iOS versions 5.11.0 or higher. Simultaneous panelists sharing is not supported when Webinar Backstage is enabled.

  • Support for Zoom Apps in Webinars on Windows and macOS - Webinar panelists can launch Zoom Apps during their webinars and share their view of the app with attendees. For some apps, attendees can be invited to open the app and collaborate with the panelists. This feature requires version 5.10.6.

Updates to Zoom Phone


Changes to existing features

Admin features

  • UI enhancement for Customize Zoom Phone Regions setting - The description for the Customize Zoom Phone Regions setting has been updated to explain where data in transit is flowing. In failover scenarios, traffic may flow into a region that is not selected. For example, Frankfurt fails over to Amsterdam even if Amsterdam is not selected. Admins will need to review the settings and accept the change.


New and enhanced features 


Admin features

  • Enable end-to-end encryption - Account owners and admins can enable end-to-end encryption for more protection in their internal phone conversations. This feature applies to Zoom Phone calls between two users on the same account that occur via the Zoom client.

  • Enhancement to call handling duration option - Account owners, admins, and users can select 10 seconds in their call handling settings for ring duration and max wait time. Previously, the lowest duration was 15 seconds.


Updates to Zoom Events 


New and enhanced features


General Features

  • Web browser support for Zoom Events - Attendees, hosts, speakers, and other special roles can now join and experience Zoom Events from a web browser. This new feature includes a web-based Zoom Events experience. Additionally, participants can join expo from the event lobby on a web browser. The web browser support for expo gives users the same experience as they would have on the Zoom desktop client. This also includes a web-based Sponsors tab where attendees can view expo sponsor information. Previously, Zoom Events was only available on the desktop client. Note: Web-based sessions and web-based expo are only available on desktop web browsers for attendees.


Host features

  • Customizable sponsorship tier labels - Event organizers can now rename sponsorship tier labels for their event. Zoom Events will provide the default tiers (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) that event organizers can rename. Changes to sponsor tier names will be reflected in the event details page, the Sponsors tab (within the event lobby), and expo (if expo is enabled and only in non-spatial view).

  • Enhancements to registration management - Hosts can now determine attendees’ tickets by viewing attendee ticket names and registration source in registration management. Hosts can also scroll horizontally to view all information on the registration management interface.


Chat features

  • Web-based chat - Attendees can now access Zoom Events chat outside the Zoom desktop client and mobile app, allowing more flexibility in developing new Zoom Events-specific chat formats.

  • Differentiate users with special roles in chat - In Zoom Events chat, special roles – like hosts, speakers, sponsors, and moderators — will be differentiated with a displayed title and different colored text bubbles.

  • Block/unblock other participants in group chats - In group chats, attendees can selectively block and unblock other participants in group and expo chats. They can also report messages and users to the event organizer and moderator. The block list is available in the Zoom web portal or Zoom client settings.


Payment and billing features

  • Centralized billing control - Account admins can enable or disable paid events and fundraising at the corporate account level within the Zoom Events platform. Additionally, a payment method and billing address can be selected at the hub level.


Updates to Zoom Rooms


New and enhanced features


In-meeting features

  • Zoom Smart Camera Auto-framing for Win and Mac - Auto-framing automatically adjusts the camera view to cover all participants in the room. This feature now works with all Zoom-certified cameras. When Smart Gallery is enabled, the primary camera view will also use auto-framing.

  • Watermark enhancements for Win, Mac, Appliances, ZP Appliances, and iPad ZR - Meeting hosts can edit the visual watermark, and turn it on or off during a meeting. Watermarks will display the entire email address over a participant’s shared screen and video tile, as well as displayed over their video in most video layouts (Speaker, Gallery, Side-by-side). The watermark is also visibly more apparent as a tiled pattern across the video or shared screen.

Business Updates 

  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy - We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022, for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users running an end-of-life version after November 5 will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.

  • Migration from Chrome OS App to Zoom PWA required - As we end support for the Zoom Chrome OS App in August, we are asking customers to switch to the Zoom progressive web applications (PWA). Account administrators can migrate all users by clicking into account management > account settings > and then enabling the "Auto-launch PWA when joining a meeting on Chrome OS." The app will no longer be searchable in the Chrome Web Store after Nov. 5, 2022. 

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

June, 2022

Major new Launches 

  • Introducing: Zoom Events Networking - Hosts can now allow attendees to discover other participants, connect, and exchange information with each other — all within Zoom Events. Some new features include: People Profiles, Networking Directory, Discovery Tools, and more. Check out our blog for more details on Zoom Events Networking.

Zoom Learning Center Updates

  • Zoom Whiteboard training is here! Explore the exciting new Zoom Whiteboard through Zoom Learning Center’s Welcome to Zoom Whiteboard training. Learn how to access, create, and share whiteboards before, during, and after meetings. Take advantage of the infinite canvas to visualize ideas, workflows, processes, and so much more. Come see all the possibilities of this new tool; enroll in an on-demand course or register for live training today!

Key Highlights from Zoom's June Releases

Updates to Zoom Web Portal


New and Enhanced Features 


Admin Features

  • Restrict which group can create channels – Account owners and admins can restrict which groups can create public and/or private channels. This setting may impact new and existing groups, and if a user belongs to two or more groups, the most restrictive setting will apply. This setting is only available at the group level and requires client version 5.11.0 or higher; it does not have backward compatibility. Changes will not take effect immediately; users must sign out and sign back in for this change to take effect.

  • Enhancements to Operation Logs – Account owners and admins can review and export an audit log that contains a list of all admin actions. The new actions where an audit happens are any time an admin views personal data and reports, shares recordings, exports data, and manages user activities. This enhancement allows the admin to export this data in the Operations Log. This feature is enabled by default.

  • Allow multiple participants to screen share – Account owners and admins can enable a setting in the Zoom web portal to allow multiple participants to screen share simultaneously during meetings. Previously, hosts could only enable this setting once the meeting had started. This feature must be enabled by Zoom Support or Customer Success. This feature can also apply to Webinars but is not supported in webinars using Backstage. Users must be on client version 5.11.0 to access this feature.


Changes to Existing Features

  • Invite limit added for webinar panelists – The number of panelists that can join a webinar is determined by the host’s meeting capacity. A new limit is introduced for how many people the host can invite as panelists to each session. This limit is set to twice the number of allowed panelists. This does not impact existing invite lists.

  • Cloud recording storage updates – Cloud recording storage limits will be expanded to 5GB per licensed user on Pro and Business accounts. Previously, Pro and Business accounts had 1GB of cloud recording storage per license.


 Updates to the Zoom Desktop Client


New and Enhanced Features

General Features

  • View profile cards in meetings for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – If allowed by account admins, users can view other participants’ Zoom profile cards from within a meeting by hovering over View Profile in the video panel. This feature is available at the account level and can be enabled by admins or owners in the web portal. To use this feature, users must have client version 5.11.0 or higher.

Meeting and Webinar Features 

  • Set persistent video filters for future meetings for Windows and macOS – Users can choose a video filter, such as color filters, frame, and foreground effects, which can be set and applied to all future meetings. Filters can be adjusted as needed before or during a meeting. 

  • Pre-enable Multiple Participants Share Content for Windows, macOS, and Linux – Host can schedule meetings with the Multiple participants can share simultaneously option pre-enabled. Contact Zoom Support or Customer Success to have the feature enabled.

Meeting Features 

  • Search breakout rooms in Windows, macOS, and Linux – Hosts and co-hosts are able to better manage breakout rooms with the ability to search participants or breakout rooms by name, allowing them to quickly view, assign, or move participants between breakout rooms.


Webinar Features 

  • Simultaneous sharing for panelists for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – Webinar attendees can now experience the simultaneous sharing of presentations by panelists (the same functionality that is already available for Zoom Meetings). The webinar attendee can choose which screen to view, such as seeing the content in their language when a presentation is shared in different languages.


Chat Features 

  • Share Zoom Whiteboard to Zoom Chat channels for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS – Zoom Whiteboards created in the web portal or desktop client can be shared to Zoom Chat Channels. This feature is also available for Zoom for Intune Android and iOS.

  • Enhanced deep linking for chat and channels for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS – Chat messages can be linked to and from private channels, group chats, and 1:1 conversations. Only users with existing access can view the referenced channels, group chats, or messages.

  • Support for restricting channel creation by user groups for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – Admins can restrict at the Group level if users can create their own public or private channels. This can be configured for both new and existing user groups, and admins can change the setting at any time.

  • Chat folders - Chat folders are now supported on mobile for Android and iOS mobile clients.


Phone Features 

  • Call forwarding for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS – Phone users can enable/disable Call Forwarding on their client and forward their call to internal extensions, external contacts/numbers, and voicemail, depending on their phone plan and policy. This setting can be set for a time duration if desired.

  • Search common area phones in Contacts for Windows and macOS – Users can search and dial a desk phone from the Zoom client. They can also browse through a list of Zoom Phone Appliance names in the Contacts  page under the Zoom Phone Appliances section.


Zoom Apps Features 

  •  Guest mode for authenticated users for Windows and macOS – Meeting users can access a Zoom App through guest mode, even if they are authenticated in the meeting. This allows users some functionality when collaborating on apps that have not been pre-approved by an admin or installed by them directly while limiting user data that is provided to the app.


Updates to Zoom Phone


New and Enhanced Features


Admin Features

  • Call waiting – Account owners and admins can choose different options when a user is busy with a call and another call is waiting to be answered by that user. In addition to the default holding/ending/dismissing the call, the setting can be changed to forward the call to voicemail/videomail or another extension/external number/external contact to play a message then disconnect, or play a busy signal.

  • Enhancement to personal voicemail and videomail – Account owners and admins can allow their users to share their voicemails as part of their policy when download is disabled for those users.

  • Enhancement to call and recording logs — Account owners and admins can view call and recording log details to show all participants.

  • Enhancement to call handling – Account owners and admins now have access to more granular options for call handling, forwarding, and overflow. In addition to being able to add external numbers, the call handling settings at the user level allow admins and users to forward the call to external contacts. The overflow settings allow forwarding calls to external numbers in addition to the current settings.

Updates to Zoom Events

New and Enhanced Features

Host Features 

  • Review reported incidents without downloads – When reviewing reported incidents, hosts and chat moderators can view any attached screenshots in the image viewer window without downloading the image. Previously, hosts had to download screenshots to view them.

  • Add or hide marketing opt-in – Under Registration Requirements, hosts can choose to display or hide the optional Marketing Opt-In check box at event registration.


Changes to Existing Features

  • Zoom Events chat navigation  – Zoom Events users can participate in any chat using the Chat panel, regardless of where they are in the event. Previously, users could only navigate to and participate in chats in their event area.

  • Co-editors can save and republish events on assigned pages – Co-editors can only save and republish content on pages the host has assigned to them. Hosts can then update the entire event accordingly.

  • Republish button support for expo – Hosts and co-editors (with editing permission) can publish or update expo by using the republish button. This will save and update changes (live) to expo only at the expo level. The republish button will save and publish updated content, which will be visible to attendees.


Updates to Zoom Rooms


New and Enhanced Features 


General Features

Business Updates 

  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy – We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022, for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users running an end-of-life version after November 5 will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. Please note that we will end support for the ChromeOS client and are asking all customers to migrate to Zoom’s Progressive Web Application (PWA).
    As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.

  • Limit Network Bandwidth – With the growth of remote work in areas with varying internet quality, some companies limit the amount of bandwidth allocated for audio and video based on IP range. This option will become available to all accounts in August. This feature is for administrators familiar with network configuration, and the policies are intended for local networks that are known to have limitations at specific locations. Before using this feature, we strongly recommend reaching out to your Zoom Support Team for advice and consultation. Customers should only limit bandwidth in very specific circumstances. Visit our support site to learn more about managing bandwidth limits.

  • Upcoming changes to Zoom presence and location – In our upcoming July release, users will be able to indicate whether they are working remotely or in an office. We will also remove the “mobile” indicator from the user presence feature to not differentiate availability based on mobile vs. desktop because our Zoom mobile and desktop clients enjoy rich feature parity.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

May, 2022

Zoom Learning Center Updates 

  • Introducing new language catalogs - The Zoom Learning Center now offers its most popular product and administration courses in English, Spanish, German, and Japanese. You can view any of our Show Me videos with closed captioning in hundreds of languages or explore Live Training options in English or German. Learn more about this exciting launch in this Zoom Blog post. 

  • Coming soon: Introduction to Zoom Whiteboard training - Starting in June, the Zoom Learning Center will offer introductory Zoom Whiteboard on-demand courses and live training. Stay tuned!

Key Highlights from Zoom's May Releases 


Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and Enhanced Features 

Admin Features

  • Specify file type and size limits - When internal and external users share files in Zoom Chat, account owners and admins can set a file transfer control policy to limit the type and size of files that can be sent or received. These controls can apply to 1:1 chats, group chats, and channels. Once enabled, this setting will only impact new files, not existing files. This setting is available at the account and group levels. Additionally, the Chat History user activity report shows when internal users were restricted from accessing a file.

  • Enhancements to language interpretation - Account owners and admins can allow participants to speak in a listening channel when language interpretation is enabled. This setting is available at the account, group, and user levels. This feature must be enabled by Zoom.

  • Assign both Zoom Events license and Zoom Webinars license to a user - Account owners and admins can assign both a Zoom Events license and a Zoom Webinars license to a user. Zoom Events capacity will be limited by the Zoom Events license. The capacity of scheduled webinars will be limited by the larger capacity of the Zoom Webinars license or Zoom Events license. Previously, users could not be assigned both Zoom Events and Zoom Webinars licenses.

  • Customize the end-of-meeting experience feedback survey - When a user clicks the thumbs down icon on an end-of-meeting experience feedback survey, account owners and admins now have more control over what is displayed. Admins can enable or disable the text field for user feedback and/or enter a customized message for users, such as the phone number of their organization’s IT department. Customization options are only available at the account and group levels, and participants must be on client version 5.10.6 or higher.


User Features

  • Enhancements to set playback range and recording highlights - When users set the playback range on a cloud recording, the original files selected by the user (audio and transcripts) are also trimmed, and the trimmed version will overwrite the original recording file. Users can always restore the original version if needed. When a recording highlight is created and saved as a new file, the audio transcript file and closed caption file are cut at the same time. This feature is in beta and must be enabled by Zoom.

  • Enhancements to polling and quizzing CSV exports - Hosts can export poll or quiz results as a CSV or PDF file that replicates the visual layout of the in-meeting poll report. The CSV export layout has been improved for optimal formatting and readability.


Updates to the Zoom Desktop Client

New and Enhanced Features

General Features

  • Control participant names in local recordings - Allow hosts to control whether participant names are captured as part of local recordings. Enabled by default in the client settings, names of participants (either with video on or off) are captured as part of their video for local recordings. This has no effect on name tags created as part of webinar session branding.

Updates to Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features 

  • Phones and devices asset tagging - Account owners and admins can tag their physical phone devices using the description field in the web portal when adding or renaming a device. Tagging is useful when tracking device attribution, replacement, or user-end support. The description field can be used for any purpose, and it is searchable.

  • Videomail transcription - Account owners and admins can enable videomail transcription in addition to voicemail transcription for their users. Users will be able to access the transcription on the desktop/mobile client and the Zoom web portal.

Changes to Existing Features

  • Opt into new Common Area Experience - Zoom Phone is introducing an updated workflow for managing common area phones, analog telephone adapters (ATAs), and Zoom Phone Appliances in the web portal. On May 22, 2022, account owners and admins will see a pop-up with a link to further information and will be given the option to switch to the New Common Area Experience (or choose to remain on the current admin experience). From May 22, 2022, onward, any new Zoom Phone accounts will automatically utilize the new Common Area Experience, and no further action is needed. On January 1, 2023, Zoom will automatically enable the New Common Area Experience for all customers who have not yet opted-in. For more information, please see the New Common Area Experience support article.

Updates to Zoom Rooms

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features 

  • Enhancements to Zoom Rooms updating - If using Zoom Device Management to deploy upgrades, account owners and admins can choose the version to apply to their Zoom Rooms devices. They can select to update their Zoom Rooms devices to the latest, previous, or second previous version.

Business Updates 

Registration Confirmation Update - Based on customer feedback, we will be delaying the implementation of the new registration confirmation page for meetings and webinars. As a reminder, this change would remove the join link on the confirmation page in the web browser when an attendee registers for an event to improve the security of registration links. We still plan to introduce this update at a later date and will share additional information when we get closer to implementation.


If you would like to move to this new experience now, please contact support to turn on the “Enable New Registration Flow” setting for your account. Once enabled, registrants will no longer see join information (link, meeting password, etc.) on the registration confirmation page, and will be asked to refer to the confirmation email for details.


Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy - We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022 for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users who are running an end-of-life version after November 5, will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. Please note that we will also be ending support for the ChromeOS client and are asking all customers to migrate to Zoom’s Progressive Web Application (PWA). 

As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

April, 2022

Whether it's new products and features or courses that teach you to Zoom better, we are constantly evolving to improve your experience. To help keep you up to date, we have summarised some key things you should know below. Download the latest version of the Zoom desktop client to access all these features and more. 

For more resources to help you stay up to date, check out: 

  • Preview notes - A list of upcoming features. This page is only available to Zoom account owners and admins, and you will be required to sign in to view them.

  • Release notes - A complete list of past releases across the Zoom platform. 

  • New at Zoom webinar series - A detailed look at the month’s most critical updates. Sign up for the May session to dive into new features and get your questions answered by the experts.

If you have any questions about the features and announcements outlined below, please feel free to reply directly to this email.

New Product Launch 

  • Zoom IQ for Sales - Zoom IQ for Sales analyses sales meetings and deals to provide actionable insights for identifying opportunities, assessing risks, and ultimately enabling and improving sales team performance. Zoom IQ analyses conversations during Zoom Meetings and Salesforce deal progress data, generating insights for sales reps and managers. Zoom IQ for Sales analyses customer reactions, rep conversational and selling skills, customer pain points, competitor mentions, deal risk metrics, and more. It also supports sales coaching for new hire onboarding and experienced sales rep improvements. Stay updated on new Zoom IQ for Sales releases on our support site. 

  • Zoom Whiteboard - In April, we launched the all-new, designed-from-the-ground-up  Zoom Whiteboard, a cross-platform visual collaboration solution accessible in Zoom Meetings, Zoom Rooms, the Zoom desktop client for Windows, macOS, Linux, and the Zoom web portal. With Zoom Whiteboard, you can brainstorm and collaborate on a persistent, infinite digital canvas. Manage, share, edit, and duplicate Whiteboards directly from the Zoom Web Portal to access Zoom Whiteboard anywhere. For more information on Whiteboard, check out the Administrator Guide on our support site. 

Zoom Learning Center

  • Live and on-demand Zoom Chat training - We’ve received the message loud and clear – our customers want to up their chat game! In April, we introduced live and on-demand Zoom Chat training in the Zoom Learning Center. You can learn how to use this critical tool to increase collaboration and create a seamless communications experience on Zoom. 

  • Localised training material is coming soon to the Zoom Learning Center - Soon you will be able to take our most popular, foundational on-demand courses in German, Japanese, Spanish, or English. This material will be organised into user-friendly, language-specific catalogues. Don’t forget, we also offer live training sessions in German and English, and all our Show Me videos have closed captions available.

Key Highlights from Zoom's April Releases 


Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and Enhanced Features 

Admin Features

  • Chat Etiquette Tool – Account owners and admins can create Chat Etiquette policies based on keywords, text patterns, or regular expressions (such as account numbers). They can then set an action to occur when the policy is triggered before a message is sent through Zoom Chat, in-meeting chat, or webinar chat. Admins can create up to 50 policies on the account. The Chat Etiquette Tool is also available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS desktop clients and requires client version 5.6.0 or higher. For more information about managing this tool, see our support article.

  • Bulk update SSO users – Account owners and users with proper role permissions can use a CSV file import to bulk update email addresses for users with the SSO login type. Zoom must enable this feature.

  • View breakout room activities from main session – Once breakout rooms are open, hosts and co-hosts can view the level of activity in each breakout room, including which participants are in each room, along with icons that show whether their audio or video is on, if they're sharing their screen, and if they have any active reactions or nonverbal feedback. This feature requires hosts and participants to have client version 5.10.3 or higher. Viewing breakout room activities from the main session is also available for Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop clients. 

User Features

  • Central library of polls – Users can manage a central library of polls for meetings. They can create or edit polls and use them for Personal Meeting ID (PMI) and non-PMI meetings. Previously, polls for PMI and non-PMI meetings were managed separately. When a poll is marked as available to all meetings, it will appear in the list of polls that can be launched in a meeting. This new central repository will not replace the "Personal Meeting (PMI) polls"; polls created here will only appear in PMI meetings. This feature is also available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS desktop clients. 

Device Management Features

  • Enhancement to Zoom Phone Appliance hot desking – Account owners and admins can allow users to book a Zoom Phone Appliance from their calendar. They can also assign a location so that the appliance appears as a workspace on the floor map. To utilise these enhancements, you must have Zoom Phone Appliances client version 5.10.0

Updates to the Zoom desktop client

Webinar Features

  • Webinar Backstage - The webinar host and other panelists can move between the backstage area (which is not visible or heard by attendees) and the live webinar area. Panelists backstage can still hear and view the live webinar to keep an eye on the presentation and know when to rejoin. This feature requires version 5.10.0 or higher for panelists, and the host must have a Zoom Events license. Users with Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, or iOS desktop clients can access Webinar Backstage. 

  • Webinar Session Branding – Hosts can customise the appearance of the in-webinar experience by adding a wallpaper behind the video tiles, setting a common virtual background for all panelists, and providing name tags for each panelist. This requires version 5.10.0 or higher to use and/or view, but does not require this version to join the webinar. Users with Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, or iOS desktop clients can access Webinar Session Branding. As of April 3, Session Branding is also available for Zoom Events

Updates to Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features

  • Common Area call packaging for Zoom Rooms – New and existing Zoom Rooms with Zoom Phone services will now be placed on the default Zoom Room Common Area base package. There is no additional charge or action required and existing Zoom Rooms will not lose any functionality. This change will provide access to features that weren't previously available.

  • Allow phone users to pause/resume automatic call recording – Account owners and admins can allow users and members of call queues who are subject to automatic call recording to pause and resume the automatic call recording. This setting is available at the account, group, site, user, and call queue levels.

Updates to Zoom Rooms

New and Enhanced Features

General Features 

  • Support for joining Zoom Events via pairing with Zoom Rooms – Attendees can start or join live sessions via Zoom Rooms that are paired to their Zoom clients on laptops or mobile devices. Start and join buttons are only accessible on the Zoom client interface. Windows, Mac, iPad, Appliances, iOS Zoom Room controllers (zrc), and Android zrc devices support this feature. 

  • UI Updates – Zoom Rooms on Windows, Mac, Appliances, iPad, iOS zrc, Android zrc, Windows zrc, and Web zrc devices now have a new user interface (UI) that is more consistent with the Zoom desktop and mobile client UI. Read more about the UI update on the Zoom blog

Business Updates 

  • Registration Confirmation Update - On July 1, 2022, Zoom will be updating the registration confirmation page for meetings and webinars to improve the security of registration links. When an attendee registers for an event, the join link will no longer be displayed on the confirmation page in their web browser. Attendees will find the join link in the email confirmation sent to them as usual. This change will help prevent attackers from obtaining a registration link using an email address they do not control personally and limit unwanted guests from joining meetings or webinars.

    If you would like to move to this new experience before July 1st, please contact support to turn on the “Enable New Registration Flow” setting for your account. Once enabled, registrants will no longer see join information (link, meeting password, etc.) on the registration confirmation page, and will be asked to refer to the confirmation email for details.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

March, 2022

Key Highlights from Zoom’s February Releases 

Updates to the Zoom Learning Center

The Zoom Learning Center recently launched Engaging Your Participants on-demand courses and live training sessions. Through this learning path, you can make an impression with Zoom’s most interactive features: polling, annotations, immersive view, and more. 

Customers can choose the way they learn by enrolling in bite-size courses or signing up for a live training session that wraps up with a Q&A session.   

Check out the Zoom Learning Center and share this resource with your team!

Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features

User Features

  • Schedule a recurring meeting with a saved Breakout Room assignment: When a host saves a breakout room configuration and participant assignments during a Zoom meeting, they can select the saved breakout room assignment they want to use when scheduling a recurring meeting in the web portal. This is limited to 10 saved configurations per account/user and is also available on Windows and macOS desktop clients.

  • Enhancements to the Trust Form: Under What can we help you with? the option Report Account Takeover or Hacked Account was renamed to Report Account Takeover to clarify that this option is intended for reporting account takeovers. Additionally, the Copyright or trademark infringement reporting option was relocated under What can we help you with?


Integration Features

  • Support for third-party cloud storage services (SharePoint and Box): Account owners and admins can choose SharePoint or Box as the default file storage option for newly created channels. This setting is available at the account level. Both integrations are available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS desktop clients.  This feature requires version 5.10.0 or higher and must be enabled by Zoom.

Changes to Existing Features

  • Zoom enablement required for Meeting Connector, Cloud Recording Connector, and Virtual Room Connector: The Meeting Connector, Cloud Recording Connector, and Virtual Room Connector downloads are disabled by default for all new Zoom customers and existing customers that do not currently have the connectors deployed. Customers who want to deploy any of these functionalities must contact Zoom Customer Success or Support to request enablement. This change does not impact existing customers with instances that are already deployed.

Updates to the Zoom Desktop Client

Meeting/Webinar Features

  • Expand/Collapse all Breakouts when self-selecting for Windows, macOS, and Linux: When self-selecting breakout rooms, participants can quickly expand or collapse all available breakout rooms. This makes it easier to find and select the desired breakout, in particular when there are many breakout rooms available to choose from.

  • LanguageLanguage Interpretation relay enhancement for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS: Language interpreters can listen to either the main audio or another translator’s audio, which can be useful when a translator doesn’t know the main language being spoken but knows another language the audio is being translated to. This feature requires client version 5.9.6 or higher and must be enabled by Zoom. Contact Customer Success or Support to have this feature enabled.

Chat Features 

  • Hover to preview unread messages for Windows, macOS, Linux: When hovering on the unread message notification on a collapsed sidebar section or folder, a preview window will appear to show what hidden chat or channel has an unread message. Clicking on the preview will open that chat or channel.

  • Customizable left sidebar for Windows, macOS: Users can select the elements they want to view at the top of their left sidebar (missed calls, contact requests, bookmarks, files), as well as customize the behavior and look of the left sidebar.

  • Video messaging for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS: Users can send short video messages to others. Asynchronous video allows users the time to consider their responses and then record as needed to provide thoughtfully crafted responses. This feature must be enabled by Zoom.

Phone Features 

  • Forward voicemail for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS: Users can forward individual voicemail messages to other users in the same account. Forwarded voicemails can be viewed in the desktop client or web portal. Forwarded voicemails can be marked private to prevent re-forwarding and downloading. This feature must be enabled by Zoom.

  • Allow users to stop and resume automatic call recording for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS: If enabled by an account admin, phone users can stop and resume automatic call recording from the client or app.

Updates to Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features

  • Provider Exchange: Phone carriers that have a Zoom Marketplace app can integrate with the Zoom Phone web portal. Account owners and admins can purchase numbers from these carriers and integrate them with Zoom Phone.

  • Call recording retention: Account owners and admins can view call recordings of deleted users, call queues, and common area phones. Prior to this release, when a user or call queue was deleted, the associated recordings were automatically removed. Admins can view these recordings in the recording logs. Recordings from deleted extensions are labeled with the deletion date. This release does not apply to previously deleted users, call queues, and common areas.

Business Updates

  • Dashboard updates: As of March 1, 2022, Zoom will only display email addresses in the dashboard and account reports for participants the host has access to. See the help article for more details.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

February, 2022

Enhancements to Zoom Apple Sign In - Customers using Apple Sign in on iOS will be impacted by an upcoming enhancement to this feature coming in our March release. After this release, users will have the ability to sign in with Apple ID on Zoom Desktop Client and Zoom Client on versions 5.10 and above.  

To change this setting, use the "Allow users to sign in with Apple ID" option in the Security section of your Admin Portal.



Key Highlights from Zoom’s February Releases 

Updates to Zoom Web Portal

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features

  • Enhancements to attendee authentication for registered meetings and webinars - Meeting and webinar hosts can confirm that people attempting to join their meeting or webinar are validated against the registration list. Users must sign in to an account that has registered for the session in order to join. 

  • Additional features added for Follow the user in-meeting policy - ​​Account admins and owners can restrict the use of nonverbal feedback and meeting reactions when users join internal and external meetings. This feature is supported on desktop clients (Windows, macOS, Linux), mobile apps (iOS, Android), and the web client, and must be enabled by Zoom for non-enterprise clients.

  • Reset virtual backgrounds to default after each meeting - Users can select and use any pre-approved virtual background before or during any Zoom meeting. After the meeting is over, the user's background will revert to the default selected by the admin.

User Features

  • Notify users with compromised account credentials - Users with a work email login type are notified by email if their account credentials are compromised and are prompted to reset their password. If the password isn’t changed in one day, users are logged out of Zoom on all devices and must reset their password. Account owners, admins, and their Trust & Safety communications contacts will also receive email notifications about any compromised users on the account.

  • Customise waiting room with video - Users can add a video when customising the appearance of the waiting room in the web portal. Participants in the waiting room can view the video while waiting for the host to admit them into the meeting. This feature is available for all paid accounts and requires version 5.7.3 or higher. Account owners and admins can submit a request for Zoom to disable the video customisation option for their account if that is preferred.

Changes to Existing Features

Admin Features

  • Enable language interpretation by default - Account owners and admins can enable the Language Interpretation feature by default when scheduling Zoom meetings. Previously, when scheduling a new Zoom meeting, language interpretation was always off by default.

  • Change to Dashboard statistics - The Toll-free Minutes tile is now called the Audio Conferencing Minutes in the Dashboard. These statistics show minutes for toll-free dial-in, call-out, premium toll dial-in, and toll dial-in.

Updates to the Zoom Desktop Client

Meeting/Webinar Features

  • Enable Blur Background during a meeting - Users can quickly blur their backgrounds during a meeting, without needing to access their Zoom client settings. The Blur My Background option is available from the start/stop video menu in the main toolbar, the 3-dot menu on the user’s video tile, and by clicking anywhere on your video image. The option is also available on the self-preview screen before the user enters a meeting. This option is available for Windows and macOS.

  • Manage breakout rooms after launch - The host or co-host that launched the breakout rooms, as well as the original host, can now rename, create, and remove rooms while they are in use. To adjust breakout rooms while they are open, this option must be enabled for your account by Zoom and turned on in your Breakout Room settings. All meeting participants must also be running version 5.9.3 or higher. Learn more about managing breakout rooms on the Zoom Support Site. 

Chat Features 

  • Preview public channels - In December,  we added the ability to preview public channels before joining. This option is now supported on Linux, in addition to Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS desktop clients. 

Zoom Apps Features 

  • Collaborate with Zoom Apps - The host can invite other meeting participants to collaborate on supported Zoom Apps, allowing them to work together directly in the Zoom App. This allows those users to view, edit, and add content to the document or project, rather than annotating or using remote control. This requires version 5.9.3 or higher and not all Zoom Apps support this feature. Learn more about Zoom Apps on the Zoom Support Site.

Updates to Zoom Phone

New and Enhanced Features

Admin Features

User Features

  • Personal contacts - Users can store personal contacts in Zoom by uploading a CSV file. This can include names, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. Phone numbers must be in E.164 format for contact names to display correctly. Contacts will be saved in the account and synced with the Zoom desktop client and mobile app under Contacts > My Contacts. Users must have client or app version 5.8.3 or higher for their personal contacts to be synced. Personal contacts don’t support starring messages and can’t be shared with other users.

Updates to Zoom Events 

Zoom Expo

  • Introducing Zoom Events Expo - To make your virtual event feel more like an in-person experience, we’ve launched the Zoom Events Expo, which is available as part of your Zoom Events license. This allows you to set up a virtual exhibition that allows attendees to explore and connect with booth representatives to learn more about their products and services. All Expo fields are located in the Expo tab during the conference event creation.

  • Co-editor support for Expo - Hosts can give specific co-editors the ability to make changes in the Expo tab. To enable this capability, add your co-editor during conference event creation and select Expo from the permissions dropdown menu. 

Events Host Features

  • Partial refund capabilities - Hosts now have partial refund capability to allow more flexibility when canceling events or refunding tickets. A partial refund policy can be configured at the hub and event level.

  • Hub recording library - Event organisers can manage and publish on-demand videos within their Hub library. This allows users to access recordings without an initial registration for the event, gives users who missed it an option to view the recordings and helps organisers with knowledge sharing and content marketing. Managing on-demand recordings requires version 5.8.6 or higher. Recordings are only available once published by a Hub Owner or Hub Manager.

  • New settings tab for Hub visibility - Hubs now have a new Settings tab, which includes the Hub visibility setting, landing Hub option, and Hub deletion option. From the Settings tab, the Hub Owner can set one of their Hubs to be the landing Hub for attendees to browse and discover events instead of using their default Hub’s public listing page. When a landing Hub is specified, attendees will be directed to the landing Hub’s public event listing page. When no landing Hub is specified, attendees will land on the Tickets page instead of the default Hub’s event listing page.

  • Enhancements to session polls - If the advanced polls Zoom web portal setting is enabled, Hosts can create more types of poll questions (such as single choice, multiple-choice, and so on) and have more advanced poll options. Users below version 5.8.3 will not be able to view or participate in advanced polls.

Happy Zooming,  

Nelson Kwok

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

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